Posts Tagged ‘Wicca’

I love corvids. Crows…Ravens…Those gorgeous messengers between our world and that of the spiritual realm. These two birds, as well as my wolf guide me down my life’s path. I always had a fascination with these majestic beings, and always wanted to encounter them and to hold them/bond with them…..well….today that happened in a way that was unexpected.

I get a message from my boyfriend with a picture attached. One of our crows was in the midst of passing as he was on his way to pick me up. I was so upset hearing one of our buddies that lived outside was passing….we didn’t know this one individually, bur it was still a friend to us, regardless. While he picked me up and we stopped to get grocery items, I remembered to pack my sage before heading out, and that crow would not leave my mind. Apparently while we were out, its murder and surrounding crows held their funerary rite of passing around our friend. My love dug the hole in an area we were most drawn to/felt was sacred, then proceeded to go back to our friend. Yes… I will not lie I was scared/timid at first…I’ve heard so many stories of crows flipping out around humans when they were dealing with their murder , and if you screw up…well , guess who won’t be a friend of the crows anymore? So many thoughts as we approached the dearie. Putting on our gloves, we gently scooped him up and wrapped him n a makeshift newspaper blanket. I kept looking down at the beautiful creature…seeing how majestic and stoic it was, even after passing. We knew we had to return the earth’s messenger back to her, so that the spiral could continue. As we walked back with my cradling it like a baby, we noticed the crows just stayed in their funerary spots from earlier….no aggressive cawwing or swooping at us….as we buried their cohort and did a sage ceremony and shared a few words and protection prayers for this lovely being. After the ceremony, we headed back towards his house, and two crows glided gently by us (once again, no dive attacks) and cawwed (non ‘attacks’ in their tone) before flying away from the site, as if saying thank you to making sure their friend/family member was safe. What a way to spend the day before your anniversary.

This really made me think about the difference between people and the levels of honouring nature – especially after reading another blog.

So many out there would be like ‘Ohh, I shall keep this , keep that, or keep the whole carcass ‘ just to ‘prove’ an image. Just like the other article , though, I too felt the energy when staring at this crow, a spirit totem guide for me…. I must return Earth’s messenger back to the soil it was created from…I must keep its dignity….And in turn, I felt peace from nature around me. I chose nature over ego. I could have easily fed the ego, and took either a feather, got its skull like Predator, etc. But I honoured this being. It deserved to be laid to rest with mother earth with dignity and love that it was brought in with…not a display of ego and proof.


Here’s a link to the article. It is a very good read and I recommend giving it a view!



Blessed be , from your Maritime Mistress of the Macabre. Be nice to your fellow beings in nature, and blessed Spring Equinox xxx

Recently I came across someone near and dear to me who has been dealing with issues of ‘not feeling enough’, being a bundle of nerves, as well as a lack of self love.

First of all, I assured said person that I too had been down that road of all those ‘effects’- so to speak- and trying to figure out what links could be connected so I can try to help the self love healing process. Which, coming from past experience, I know that this can be quite the path of hardships.

My doctor keeps record of every new thing and activity I do. I thought he was batshit bonkers at first, but then I realized he had a method to his madness. He was keeping track of possible links for future reference if I developed anything wrong with me. Why would he want to know what small activities I was doing? Well maybe it could relate to why I feel a certain way, the stresses, etc. Using this method, I then went on to interrogate.

“God this, God that, God comes first, etc” I stopped her right there in her tracks. It is perfectly normal to bond/love your deity..but there is a point you lose yourself. In my belief (For those who have not read my previous blog postings- I am a Wiccan – Solitary Eclectic, if you prefer), where we believe in our friendship/relationship with our Gods/Goddesses make us one and one is not greater than the other. We don’t kneel to our Gods and Goddesses, instead we walk beside them as a God/Goddess ourself, and like a true friend, they are there for us..not treating us any less or holding them captive with possible repercussions if we ‘sin’. The first thing I told her was to stop putting herself down on a lower level, and instead see herself as a Goddess at the same ranking, for then she will not only love herself, but she will also respect and hold herself as high as she places her deity. Secondly, stop caring what others think. Yeah sure, you did one of those ‘sins’ (when in actuality , it’s not at all) …it’s called being human; as long as it harmed no one in the process- it’s all good. Make a mistake? Don’t think you won’t make it into the pearly gates..look and learn from it…and create your own pearly -AND- diamond encrusted gates where a big cloud of cotton candy welcomes you with open arms. We should NEVER be in fear of our Gods/Goddesses..that is not love our respect. All they ask of us is to treat others the way we would want to be treated, respect and love ourselves, and cause no harm. What do we do? The exact darn opposite.

That being said….instead seek them as you would a friend…not only will it strengthen the bond you have, but it will also strengthen you. You are never less…we are all equal, and they want you to know that, as well. If you don’t love or respect yourself…how do you expect anyone else to?


Lots of Love and Blessed Be xxx

First off, let me say how much the POTUS  genuinely makes me want to curl up under a rock and never want to face humanity again – but at the same time makes me think..HEY Maybe I am actually qualified for jobs I’m really not!! Go for it!! All jokes aside, the cheesy peach needs to get impeached.

While scrolling through the news feed on Facebook, I was shocked at the numerous ‘Witches Gathering to Put a Spell on Trump’ thing…. Ok..I understand wanting to do good (I’m Wiccan, f.f.s… I believe in causing harm to none and helping others).. but I see soooo much damage going on! Here’s some points I’d like to bring up:

  1. With the amount of energy – it’s hella potent at the moment- swirling around us, manifesting…do we –really– want to send out negative energy into the universe by focusing on him? A binding spell is in the grey, so to speak. Binding spells can go very wrong, very fast! The karma threefold law comes in effect plenty of times with this kind of spell. Instead , we should take advantage of positive energy by putting a protection spell on the universe and its inhabitants….no negative energy possible repercussions!
  2. How does it make us witches look? For real. We spent sooooo long trying to not look so wild in society in hopes to end the witch hunts,etc. That we’re going to fall back into those times where I will have to go back into the damn broom closet for my own safety. Once again – show them we use our magick for good! Not Bad that can snap back from binding.
  3. Being Wiccan and abiding by the rede and rule of 3, it really makes me wonder my fellow Wiccan friends…they do realize that some of the spell goes against our rede/beliefs…..right?
  4. Let’s stop putting so much negative out! You can’t fight fire with fire! Let’s instead drop some cool a.f. chill water over it and watch how much power we truly can take on.

Anyways…let me know your views on the matter! Blessed Be xx

After recently coming out of the broom closet myself after 5 years, I had to come across quite the challenge of the reactions of those around me.

Sometimes you will come across others in your life who will openly accept you for you when you come out as Wiccan, then there will also be the ones who are ignorant towards the matter. 

Luckily, My family I live with accepted me right away. My boyfriend accepted me. My best friends accepted me. Everyone pretty much did except for the die-hard bible pushers around me and two in the family.

Did it hurt to have someone in your family look at you as if you were less than them and their religious beliefs and think it was ‘just a phase’ and ‘oh, you’re not one of them are you?’ Yep it did. Quite a lot, actually. And you know what, too? Yes. Yes I am one of them. I am a natural ‘witch’ who uses my gifts and knowledge in natural healing to help those around me. I’m a good person. I respect others who are different than me and still love them unconditionally. Their belief doesn’t make them any more or any less of a person.

I was also told by said family member that my grandmother who passed away (Blessed be your soul Nanny E, I miss you with all my heart xx ) would not approve of me because apparently she contacted my other grandmother and said so. NO. My Nan loved me for me. She supported me and was there for me when no one else would. She never judged me when I came to her and told her what I saw. From the start she could see that I did have gifts of the sixth sense but still loved me and never judged me. Yes, she was Catholic, but she had respect for me when I was first into Wicca. She helped me and got me different books. She loved me for me. I can sense her energy and I even have consulted other mediums if she is proud of who I’ve become and they all say that she is and that I’m forming fine. THAT is what matters to me. 

Instead of yelling and lowering my maturity level down to bashing her religion, I instead gave some links of information to my family member and calmly explained what Wicca is. I know in my heart I am not evil. Sadly, some of the things  I see her church people do completely appall me. How can you go into a place and wear fake smiles with fake attitudes towards your fellow ‘friends’ then go back home with your little ‘clique’ and then talk smack about them? THAT is NOT family.  Respect and love each other. 

For those of you who have came out of the broom closet or are about to, here are some helpful links I found that I like to use to give to people who aren’t too nice or judgemental towards you.

Blessed be and don’t let them put out your shine. Glow, baby, glow.


Helpful Links:


This article came to me after doing a little bit of my own research. I know I follow Wicca for my religion, but never did I know I fell under a category/type. Really, I should have. Look at Christianity having many certain sub-groups such as Anglican, Catholic, Baptist,etc. Same as with Wicca. Recently I have found out that I am part of the NeoWiccans, and that I am an Eclectic Wiccan. 

What is NeoWicca? Well here are the differences between the old movement and the new movement.



NeoWicca/Spirituality is:

•Substance instead of Form

•Personal Experiences vs Dogma

•Heart felt, soul-led, creative expression vs Scripts and Rote rcitation

•Sharing power equally vs High Priest/ess or Hierarchical

•Inner Authority and personal Authenticity vs Outer authority making rules

•Self Dedication instead of initiation to become part of a group/coven

•Open vs being secretive about oneself


(Many thanks to for making such amazing informative articles on such topics.)



Here are some other kinds of Wiccans:





•Blue Star WitchCraft


•British Traditional


plus many others!


A lot of times people wonder how they find out what they fall under. For me, this took 5 years- go figure. Sometimes you will find out after research that you fall under one or maybe even multiple types. 

A note for those who are NeoWiccan like myself: Don’t take the term “NeoWiccan” as an insulting term. You are still part of the Wiccan religion- you just study under a newer method. In the end, we are all witches/ Wiccan. 

Blessed be )O( 

A poem I wrote….Inspired by what I have seen and experienced…No one should have to hide something they take pride or comfort in. Enjoy the read and blessed be )O(




Why must I feel hurt?

Why must I feel shame?

When you put me through these

please tell me how in which you gain.

You wear your cross;

I wear my star.

You have your church

whilst I have my altar.

I respect thee

and All I ask is the same in turn for me.

Don’t you know I’m human too?

And What about do unto others as the have unto you?

Why must you turn such a blind eye

and never do you question what or why

Why I practice what I do

even though it does not cause harm to you.

I harm none, so mote it be.

I respect all others as they have me.

Be kind to all is all I ask-

No one should have to wear a mask.



While looking online and never actually putting much thought into it until now, I never thought about how would a wedding ceremony go for those of us Wiccan/Pagan. So what do I do? Read up on it. After doing so, I found it to be so beautiful it got me all emotional over the meaning behind it. 

That being said, the source link is (Never mind the Misspelling of Wiccan …oooh grammar nut alert going off in me) :




Officiant: Please join hands. As your hands are joined, so your lives, Holding each other, Caressing each other, Supporting each other, Loving each other. (Officiant ties the ribbon around ourhands). Groom (repeating after Officiant): I, (Groom), promise you, (Bride), that I will be your husband, From this day forward, To love and respect you, To support and to hold you, To make you laugh And to be there when you cry, To softly kiss you when you are hurting, And to be your companion and your friend, On this journey that we will now make together. Bride: (same thing, names switched) Officiant: Announces to those gathered that we are now bound to each other. (unties the ribbon)

Opening Remarks

Officiant: We have come together here in celebration of the joining together of (enter bride’s name here)and (enter groom’s name here). Others would ask, at this time, who gives the bride in marriage, but, I ask simply if she comes of her own will and if she has her family’s blessing. (Bride), is it true that you come of your own free will and accord? Bride: Yes, it is true. Officiant: With whom do you come and whose blessings accompany you. Bride’s attendant: She comes with her father, and her mother, and is accompanied by all of her family’s blessings.

Unity Candle Lighting

Officiant: To remind you that the two lives we unite today were created by others, we ask your parents to come forward.[Parents arrive.] Have you any words for this couple? [parents make comments] Bride and Groom: [write something] Officiant:(Groom), this candle represents you. We ask your parents to light your flame as they provided you the spark of life years ago. [parents light candle] Officiant:(Bride), this candle represents you. We ask your parents to light your flame as they provided you the spark of life years ago. [parents light candle] Officiant: (Bride and Groom), this candle represents your union from this day forward. If you are truly ready to merge your lives and your passion, we ask that you light this flame together.

[Bride and Groom light candle using personal candles]

A Second Ceremony

Officiant: Know now before you go further, that since your lives have crossed in this life you have formed ties between each other. As you seek to enter this state of matrimony you should strive to make real, the ideals which give meaning to both this ceremony and the institution of marriage. With full awareness, know that within this circle you are not only declaring your intent to be handfasted before your friends and family, but you speak that intent also to your creative higher powers.

The promises made today and the ties that are bound here greatly strengthen your union; they will cross the years and lives of each soul’s growth. Do you still seek to enter this ceremony?

Bride and Groom: Yes, We Seek to Enter.

Officiant: In times past it was believed that the human soul shared characteristics with all things divine. It is this belief which assigned virtues to the cardinal directions; East, South, West and North. It is in this tradition that a blessing is offered in support of this ceremony.

Blessed be this union with the gifts of the East. Communication of the heart, mind, and body Fresh beginnings with the rising of each Sun. The knowledge of the growth found in the sharing of silences.

Blessed be this union with the gifts of the South. Warmth of hearth and home The heat of the heart’s passion The light created by both To lighten the darkest of times.

Blessed be this union with the gifts of the West. The deep commitments of the lake The swift excitement of the river The refreshing cleansing of the rain The all encompassing passion of the sea.

Blessed be this union with the gifts of the North Firm foundation on which to build Fertility of the fields to enrich your lives A stable home to which you may always return.

Each of these blessings from the four cardinal directions emphasizes those things which will help you build a happy and successful union. Yet they are only tools. Tools which you must use together in order to create what you seek in this union. I bid you look into each others eyes. [Groom’s Name], Will you cause her pain?

Groom: I May

Officiant: Is that you intent?

Groom: No

Officiant: [Bride’s Name], Will you cause him pain?

Bride: I may

Officiant: Is that you intent?

Bride: No

Officiant: [To Both] Will you share each other’s pain and seek to ease it?

Bride and Groom: Yes

Officiant: And so the binding is made. Join your hands *First cord is draped across the bride and grooms hands* [Bride’s Name], Will you share his laughter?


Officiant: [Groom’s Name], Will you share her laughter?

Groom: Yes

Officiant: *To Both* Will both of you look for the brightness in life and the positive in each other?

Bride and Groom: Yes

Officiant: And so the binding is made. *Second chord is draped across the couples hands* [Bride’s Name], Will you burden him?

Bride: I may

Officiant:Is that you intent?

Bride: No

Officiant:[Groom’s Name], Will you burden her?

Groom: I may

Officiant:Is that your intent?

Groom: No

Officiant: Will you share the burdens of each so that your spirits may grow in this union?

Bride and Groom: Yes

Officiant:And so the binding is made. *Drape third chord across the couples hands* [Bride’s Name], will you share his dreams?

Bride: Yes

Officiant:[Groom’s Name], will you share her dreams?

Groom: Yes

Officiant:*To Both* Will you dream together to create new realities and hopes?

Bride and Groom: Yes

Officiant:And so the binding is made. *Drape fourth chord across the couples hands* [Groom’s Name], will you cause her anger?

Groom: I may

Officiant: Is that you intent?

Groom: No

Officiant: [Bride’s Name], will you cause him anger?

Bride: I may

Officiant: Is that your intent?

Bride: No

Officiant: *To Both* Will you take the heat of anger and use it to temper the strength of this union?

Bride and Groom: We Will

Officiant: And so the binding is made. *Drape fifth chord across the couples hands* [Bride’s Name], Will you honor him?

Bride: I will

Officiant: [Groom’s Name], Will you honor her?

Groom: I will

Officiant: *To Both* Will you seek to never give cause to break that honor?

Bride and Groom: We shall never do so

Officiant: And so the binding is made. *Drape sixth chord across the couples hands* *Tie chords together while saying:* The knots of this binding are not formed by these chords but instead by your vows. Either of you may drop the chords, for as always, you hold in your own hands the making of breaking of this union. *Once chords are tied together they are removed and placed on altar*



Apache Wedding Poem, read by [member of the bridal party of your choosing]Now you will feel no rain, for each of you will be a shelter to the other. Now you will feel no cold, for each of you will be warmth to the other. Now there is no loneliness for you, for each of you will be companion to the other. Now you are two bodies, but there is only one life before you. May your days be good and long upon the earth!

Officiant: Now that you have joined yourselves in matrimony, may you strive always to meet this commitment with the same spirit you now exhibit. We all bear witness to this ceremony you have just performed and you may now call yourselves by those old and respected names, husband and wife. Bless this union. You may kiss the bride.

Exchange of Rings

Officiant: (Bride and Groom), as these circles are designed without an ending, they speak of eternity. May the incorruptible substance of these rings represent a love glowing with increasing lustre through the years. Bless these rings which you give to each other as the sign of your love, trust, and faithfulness. Groom (repeating after Officiant): Take this ring as a sign of my love, and as a symbol of all that we share, in token and pledge, of my constant faith and abiding love.Bride: (same thing, switched)





All Credits go to Author of the Article at All Seasons Weddings! 

Double Standards.

The thing that makes close to the top of my list for things that really peeve me off. Mostly due to the fact that it is completely un-necessary, plus it is a completely wrong thing to do.

I am a very down-to-earth, do unto others kinda gal. Sadly, I think I might have been walking through a pink tinted haze when it comes to the issue I’m about to address. It more so hurts and upsets me more than it fills me with anger. 

Religion and Spirituality. 

Double Standards. 

Yup. I know, I know, a chorus of ‘You should’ve known!’ are about to come raining in on me like acid rain. But for real…I never wanted to believe in my heart that society could really and truly be that awful and disrespectful. 

As known, I am a Wiccan. I have actually started to come out as a Wiccan the past year and a bit due to how society reacts towards those who have a different way of thinking versus the higher majority. After leaving my timid-ness behind, I started to wear my pentacle of the Goddess with pride and start to adorn my room with my Wiccan pieces. Bless my family, they did not judge me and for those that did they actually leant an open ear for me to explain what Wicca is- NOT what media portrays it as. My Grandmother – who I like to consider one of my close friends- did not understand the concept, like others, and assumed it was occult and I worshipped Satan and stuff that was completely opposite of what Wicca actually is. I am very grateful that she actually let me explain to her what being Wiccan actually entails and then that helped shed a whole new light. No, we do not recruit others or try to conform them; all we ask is to not be ignorant and not to believe the false connotations the media has given us. So after ‘coming out’ as Wiccan and being accepted by family and friends, I sadly came to a very disheartening road bump.

The rest of society.

Where I live at is not exactly what one would classify as a bible belt due to quite a fair amount of others being Wiccan/Pagan in the municipality -they to are kinda hush hush as well due to how people react to us- but a bit more than 3/4 of the people residing in my town are all seniors (some families, middle aged as well) that are church- fanatics. Not saying that all church people are mean towards us here, but there are some rare ones who are very kind to us , and to that- I thank you for being so kind.

It’s wrong when you can’t wear your Pentagram/ Pentacle without someone taking offence or it having to be removed because it might make someone uneasy. 

What about my feelings?

Ever think that maybe I feel uneasy seeing church people walk in with their prayer beads and crosses because I know that they will judge me for wearing my own? I could easily use that for my defence but I’d rather not. I respect them. That’s the difference.

I respect that they find comfort in their beliefs and I would never ask them to remove something of value like that. That is just plain wrong. I would never ask someone to do that and make them hide something they should be able to wear proudly and take pride in.

We are not better than anyone else, we are all equals. We should all look at each other in a light of respect and try our best to understand each other and our differences. Even when we come across someone different than ourselves, instead of being ignorant instead we should take a small portion of our time to learn about them. 

That being said, be kind to one another. Do not judge. Do not strip away someone’s colours and try to paint them with a different brush. We all have something to offer and to teach one another, only if we open our mind and hearts to it.

Blessed be )O(